This course aims to be a general overview of algorithms, data structures, practical programming, heuristic search, etc. This course is obligatory in the MSc of Computer Science (usually taken during the 1st semester). It is also highly advisable for other curricula like Data Science, Cybersecurity and Software Engineering or specializations in interdisciplinary subjects like bioinformatics, statistics or mathematics.
Home Exam tasks have been revealed in the Exam page!
Lectures/consultations: Tuesday 10.15 - 12.00 Delta - 1021 (Jaak Vilo, Kallol Roy)
First lecture - introduction, September 3rd. Practice sessions start from week 2, September 10th!
The main content of lectures has been pre-recorded and available online on
Log in to see more info!
Practice session
(every week starting from week 2; Registration via SIS/ÕIS )
First week of Sep 4th - 8th 2023, there are no practice sessions! (tasks will be handed out during 1st week and discussed starting from 2nd week)
- Group 1. Tuesday 12.15 - 14.00 Delta - 1008 ( Modar Sulaiman )
- Group 2. Thursday 14.15 - 16.00 Delta - 2010 (Mert Bektaş )
- Group 3. Friday 14.15 - 16.00 online only ( Somnath Banerjee)
Modar Sulaiman <> - Tuesday 12-14, room 1008 (Group 1) Mert Bektaş <> - Thursday 14-16, room 2010 (Group 2) Somnath Banerjee <> - Friday 14-16, Online only (Group 3)
Responsible Lecturer:
- Jaak Vilo (Delta:3113)
- Kallol Roy (Delta:3082)
Teaching assistants:
- Modar Sulaiman
- Mert Bektaş
- Somnath Banerjee
- Report IT issues: UT IT support: and UniTartuCS IT support:
Course Forum
We will use Slack free version) unitartucs-algorithmics and email for questions and discussions. See Lectures page. Log in with your UniTartu credentials into this page and see the invitation link:
- (log into courses to see link)
Exam dates and times:
To Be Decided (TBD)
Plan is to have them as tasks, a bit similar to homeworks. There are certainly parts that can be achieved more easily and some that may take a bit more thinking to achieve. As the baseline passsing would require 50% points from exam. Challenge is always to come up with something that hopefully does not have readily available solutions on the Internet and where you actually learn yourself something useful and thus build confidence on what you can now achieve after this course. Clearly, the partial solutions are also solutions.
Poster session:
- Project final dates - TBD
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