2024/25 fall
- MTAT.TK.006 About programming
- MTAT.03.295 Agile Software Development
- MTAT.03.238 Algorithmics
- MTAT.07.017 Applied Cryptography
- LTAT.02.024 Artificial and Natural Intelligence
- LTAT.06.012 Autonomous Vehicles Project
- MTAT.03.310 Business Analysis
- MTAT.03.319 Business Data Analytics
- LTAT.06.025 Cloud Native Applications on Kubernetes
- MTAT.05.082 Coding Theory
- MTAT.03.263 Computer Game Development and Design
- MTAT.03.015 Computer Graphics
- MTAT.03.328 Computer Graphics Project
- LTAT.03.001 Computer Programming
- LTAT.SO.001 Computer Programming
- LTAT.06.022 Concurrent Programming Languages
- MTAT.03.297 Creating WWW Pages
- MTAT.07.014 Cryptographic Protocols
- LTAT.02.007 Data Engineering
- LTAT.00.999 Data Science Helper 2024 Fall
- LTAT.02.008 Data Visualization and Storytelling
- LTAT.02.030 Database Theory
- LTAT.02.021 Databases
- MTAT.03.286 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- LTAT.06.015 DevOps: Automating Software Delivery and Operations
- MTAT.03.301 Didactics of Informatics II
- MTAT.03.325 Digital Product Management
- LTAT.05.019 Digital Product Management Industry Project
- LTAT.05.022 Digital Product Management Seminar
- MTAT.08.024 Distributed systems Seminar
- MTAT.03.299 Educational Programming Languages
- LTAT.02.998 ELIXIR-EE selfstudy materials
- LTAT.00.018 Final thesis seminar for Data Science curriculum (in Estonian)
- LTAT.03.019 Functional Programming
- LTFY.04.012 Fundamentals of Quantum Computing — Theory & Practice
- LTAT.02.018 Game Engines
- LTAT.06.026 High Performance Computing (HPC)
- MTAT.07.028 Information Security
- MTAT.03.139 Information Systems
- MTAT.08.040 Intelligent Transportation Systems
- LTAT.05.021 Introduction to Blockchain Technology
- LTAT.05.027 Introduction to Blockchain Technology: Practical Assignment
- LTAT.02.002 Introduction to Data Science
- MTAT.03.105 Introduction to Databases
- MTAT.03.236 Introduction to Programming
- MTAT.03.256 Introduction to Programming II
- MTAT.TK.008 Let's Make Computer Games
- MTAT.03.227 Machine Learning
- LTAT.02.006 Methods in Data Science
- MTAT.03.280 Mobile and Cloud Computing Seminar
- MTAT.TK.012 MOOC Introduction to Programming
- MTAT.03.132 Multimedia
- MTAT.03.292 Natural and Artificial Intelligence Seminar
- LTAT.06.004 Network Technology I
- MTAT.06.046 NLP seminar
- LTAT.SO.003 Object-oriented Programming (Conversion Master in IT)
- LTAT.06.001 Operating Systems
- MTAT.08.020 Parallel Computing
- LTAT.06.010 Pervasive Data Science Seminar
- MTAT.03.206 Practical Training in Informatics
- LTAT.05.030 Professional Self-Development Seminar
- MTAT.03.271 Programming Language Research Seminar
- LTAT.04.017 Public Key Cryptography
- MTAT.03.306 Requirements Engineering
- MTAT.07.022 Research Seminar in Cryptography and Cyber Security
- LTAT.05.023 Research Seminar in Software Engineering
- MTAT.03.298 School Robotics I
- LTAT.03.104 Seminar on Informatics Didactics
- LTAT.05.003 Software Engineering
- LTAT.05.005 Software Project
- MTAT.03.317 Special Course in Machine Learning: Federated Learning
- MTAT.03.083 Systems modelling
- LTAT.03.009 Teaching Practice in Informatics
- LTAT.00.008 Theoretical Informatics Project
- MTAT.06.055 Transformers
- LTAT.05.031 UX in Digital Products - Words and Visuals
- LTAT.03.017 Verified Functional Algorithms
- LTAT.05.004 Web Application Development
- LTAT.04.013 Web Application Security
- LTAT.03.015 Web Page Creation For Advanced Users
- LTAT.04.009 Wireless Technologies and Security
- LTAT.04.016 Zero-Knowledge Proofs