2016/17 fall
Only 2018 and later courses are publicly accessible. To access the materials of earlier courses, write to ati.comp@ut.ati.ee
- MTAT.TK.006 About programming
- MTAT.03.238 Advanced Algorithmics
- MTAT.03.295 Agile Software Development
- MTAT.03.133 Algorithms and Data Structures
- MTAT.06.008 Artificial intelligence
- MTAT.03.239 Bioinformatics
- MTAT.07.004 Complexity Theory
- MTAT.03.292 Computational Neuroscience Seminar
- MTAT.03.263 Computer Game Development and Design
- MTAT.03.015 Computer Graphics
- MTAT.03.316 Computer Graphics Project
- MTAT.03.305 Computer Graphics Seminar
- MTAT.03.297 Creating WWW Pages
- MTAT.07.014 Cryptographic protocols
- MTAT.07.003 Cryptology II
- MTAT.03.105 Databases
- MTAT.08.009 Distributed Systems
- MTAT.08.024 Distributed Systems Seminar
- MTAT.03.029 Educational sofware
- MTAT.06.058 Evaluation of Intelligent Systems
- MTAT.07.028 Information security
- MTAT.05.082 Introduction to Coding Theory
- MTAT.03.291 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
- MTAT.05.074 Introduction to informatics
- MTAT.05.111 Introduction to Mathematical Logic
- MTAT.03.236 Introduction to Programming
- MTAT.TK.012 Introduction to Programming for students
- MTAT.05.125 Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
- MTAT.03.279 Java Fundamentals
- MTAT.03.226 Laptop User ABC
- MTAT.08.036 Large-scale Data Processing on the Cloud
- MTAT.03.142 Learning environments
- MTAT.TK.008 Let's Make Computer Games
- MTAT.05.103 Logic Programming
- MTAT.06.055 Machine Translation
- MTAT.03.280 Mobile and Cloud Computing Seminar
- MTAT.03.262 Mobile Application Development
- MTAT.03.266 Mobile Application Development Project
- MTAT.03.132 Multimedia
- MTAT.TK.010 Multimedia II (web disain)
- MTAT.03.311 Natural Language Processing in Python
- MTAT.08.033 Network Technology
- MTAT.03.130 Object-oriented Programming
- OPEN.03.244 Open University Software Economics
- MTAT.03.005 Operating Systems
- MTAT.08.020 Parallel Computing
- MTAT.03.324 Participation in Hackathons
- MTAT.03.206 Practical Training in Information Technology
- MTAT.03.318 Professional practice
- MTAT.03.100 Programming
- MTAT.03.271 Programming Language Research Seminar
- MTAT.03.006 Programming Languages
- MTAT.07.022 Research Seminar in Cryptography
- MTAT.03.277 Research Seminar in Data Mining
- MTAT.03.287 Seminar on Business Intelligence
- MTAT.03.244 Software Economics
- MTAT.03.094 Software Engineering
- MTAT.03.138 Software Project
- MTAT.03.317 Special Course in Machine Learning: Unsupervised learning
- MTAT.03.083 Systems Modelling