ESSCaSS 2013
12th Estonian Summer School on Computer and Systems Science
- Dates: August 18th-22nd 2013 (Sun-Thu)
- Location: Voore Guesthouse, Estonia
- International summer school for PhD and MSc students, postdocs, faculty

- Bing Liu - Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
- Fosca Giannotti - Mobility Data Analysis and Mining
- Frits Vaandrager - Inference of State Machines
- Vitaly Shmatikov - Privacy Technologies: What Works, What Doesn't, and What Is To Be Done
- Dino Pedreschi - Social network analysis: a crash mini-course
Previous Schools:
- 2012 - 11th Jäneda
- 2011 - 10th Otepää
- 2010 - 9th Pedase
- 2009 - 8th Jäneda
- 2008 - 7th Marguse, Otepää
- 2007 - 6th Lepanina, Pärnu
- 2006 - 5th Pedase (Harju, North coast)
- 2005 - 4th Pedase (Harju, North coast)
- 2004 - 3rd Pedase (Harju, North coast)
- 2003 - 2nd Taagepera castle, South Estonia
- 2002 - pilot event in Kohala manor