Call for participation
12th Estonian Summer School in Computer and Systems Science (ESSCaSS 2013)
- Dates: August 18-22 2013 (Sun-Thu)
- Location: Voore Guesthouse, Estonia
- Registration form online -
- International summer school for PhD and MSc students, postdocs, faculty
Background and Objectives
The Estonian Summer School in Computer and Systems Science is an annual international event promoting interdisciplinary education of graduate students specializing in (but not limited to) computer science, systems science, software engineering, artificial intelligence, and bioinformatics. These schools carry an important role in doctoral education in Estonia.
To apply, please fill in the registration form online -
Preference will be given to early applicants.
The programme of an ESSCaSS school consists of short courses by renowned specialists accompanied by a student session of short talks and poster presentations.
The courses to be presented at ESSCaSS'13 are:
Lectures (for abstracts please click here)
- Bing Liu - Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
- Fosca Giannotti - Mobility Data Analysis and Mining
- Frits Vaandrager - Inference of State Machines
- Vitaly Shmatikov - Privacy Technologies: What Works, What Doesn't, and What Is To Be Done
- Dino Pedreschi - Social network analysis: a crash mini-course
Posters and Student Presentations
The school will have sessions for poster presentations and talks from participants. Please register your tentative topic at the application form. We will send the notification and ask for poster abstracts by July 30th from the accepted participants.
The summer school will take place at Voore Guesthouse
Tallinn, Estonia's capital, is famous for its picturesque medieval Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
There are direct flights to Tallinn from many cities in Europe by many different carriers. Alternatively, one can travel to Riga, Latvia and from there by bus to Tartu, or alternatively, to Helsinki, Finland and from there by ferry to Tallinn. For more detailed travel information, please take a look at the travel information web page at IoC.
There will be bus transfer from Tallinn and Tartu on the arrival day Sunday 18th, and back after the school ends.
Important Dates
- Early bird registration: June 30 (Su)
- Notification: July 5th (Fri)
- Late registration last deadline: Aug 4 (Su)
Registration and Cost
The participation fee is 300 EUR for early bird and 380 EUR later. Fee includes the school materials, full board and lodging for the duration of the summer school, and transportation to and from Tallinn and Tartu by bus.
Students are expected to contact their supervisors or department heads about covering the registration fee (there will be dedicated funds available for most students). The doctoral students of the Estonian Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technology do not have to pay a registration fee (please mark that you are an IKTDK student to the payment comment line when registering).
The series is organised by University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science and Tallinn University of Technology.
Programme Committee:
- Jaak Vilo (University of Tartu), chair
- Marlon Dumas (University of Tartu)
- Meelis Kull (University of Tartu)
- Sven Laur (University of Tartu)
- Konstantin Tretyakov (University of Tartu)
- Helger Lipmaa (University of Tartu, Cybernetica Ltd)
- Innar Liiv (Tallinn University of Technology)
- Tarmo Uustalu (Tallinn University of Technology)
Organising Commitee:
- Jaak Vilo (University of Tartu), chair
- Eva Pruusapuu (University of Tartu), administrative tasks
- Kairit Shor (University of Tartu), administrative tasks
- E-mail:
- Telephone: +372 50 49365
- Facebook page for ESSCaSS
The organisers of ESSCaSS'12 wish to thank the supporters and sponsors:
- Estonian Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technology, IKTDK
- Centre of Excellence in Computer Science, EXCS

- Estonian Information Technology Foundation "Tiigriülikool+ programme"