Looking for topics
In case of organizational questions, you can contact the course coordinator directly. However, the search and negotiation of projects and supervisors is the responsibility of the student and must go through the related research groups and their seminar courses.
Research groups
- Computational Neuroscience Lab
- Raul Vicente, raul.vicente.zafra@ut.ee
- https://neuro.cs.ut.ee/
- Seminari aine: Arvutusliku neuroteaduse seminar (MTAT.03.292)
- Bioinformatics. BIIT
- Hedi peterson, hedi.peterson@ut.ee
- Kaur Alasoo, kaur.alasoo@ut.ee
- https://biit.cs.ut.ee
- Seminari aine: Bioinformaatika seminar (MTAT.03.242)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab
- Amnir Hadachi, amnir.hadachi@ut.ee
- http://its.cs.ut.ee/
- Isejuhtivate sõidukite labor
- Naveed Muhammad, naveed.muhammad@ut.ee
- https://dps.cs.ut.ee/
- Keeletehnoloogia
- Mark Fishel, mark.fisel@ut.ee
- Kairit Sirts, kairit.sirts@ut.ee
- https://tartunlp.ai
- Masinõpe
- Meelis Kull, meelis.kull@ut.ee
- https://ml.cs.ut.ee/
- Terviseinformaatika
- Raivo Kolde,raivo.kolde@ut.ee
- Sulev Reisberg, sulev.reisberg@ut.ee
- Suurandmete uurimisrühm
- Riccardo Tommasini, riccardo.tommasini@ut.ee
- https://bigdata.cs.ut.ee/