Introduction to Computational Neuroscience (MTAT.03.291)
Disclaimer: This course will be exclusively online. Lectures and practices will be streamed via Zoom and videos will be uploaded.
Lectures: Tuesdays 14:15, via zoom
Practices: Wednesday 14:15, via zoom
- Raul Vicente (
- Aqeel Labash (
- Daniel Majoral (
- Taavi Kivisik (
- You can ask questions and see others' questions by registering in Piazza course page.
About the course
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students without biological background with the field of neuroscience and study how mathematics and computer science are used to solve questions arising in this field. The following topics will be covered during the course:
- Basic organization of the brain and nervous system
- Approaches to explore the brain
- Data analysis
- Single neuron models
- Network models
- Learning and plasticity
- Memory
- Cognitive functions
In the practice sessions, we are going to
- Try out concepts discussed in the lectures.
- Solve exercises from the field.
- Analyse data using Python.
- Conduct demonstrations/experiments.
The points accumulated so far are in this Google Sheets: Check your points here!
Your final grade will consist of:
- Homework assignments (30%)
- Project (40%)
- Exam (30%)
- And bonus exercises (~5-7%)
You can collect up to 105/107 points, 90+ will give you A, 80+ B, 70+ C and so on. However to pass the course you are required to at least get 50% of each component (homework, project, and exam).
Course materials from last years are available at Github repository
Also, homework exercises for this semester will be put there as we go.