- Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering (9th Edition), 2010
- Ivan Marsic: Software Engineering, 2012 (more materials: click-link)
- Jan Bosch: Continuous Software Engineering, 2014
- Sören Lauesen: Software Requirements, 2002
- Martin Fowler: Refactoring, 2005
- Steve McConnell: Code Complete : A Practical Handbook for Software Construction (2nd Edition). Microsoft Press, 2004
- Roger Pressman: Software Engineering: A Practicioner's Approach, 2009
- Craig Larman: Applying UML and Patterns - An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall, 1998
- Frederick P. Brooks: The Mythical Man-Month (2nd edition), 1995
- Edward Yourdon: Death March (2nd edition), 2003
- Andrew Hunt, Dave Thomas: The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master, 1999
- Tom DeMarco: Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, 1999
- Joel Spolsky: Joel on Software, 2004
- Rob Lambert: 36 Days of Web Testing, 2012
- Robert C. Martin: Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, 2008
Basics of java development: