Software Testing
Course Responsible / Lecturer:
- Dietmar Pfahl (dietmar.pfahl at ut dot ee) - room: 3007 (Delta)
Additional Lecturer:
- Kristiina Rahkema
Lab Supervisors (TAs):
- Faiz Ali Shah (shah at ut dot ee) -- coordinator of labs / 1 lab group
- Fauzia Khan (1 lab group)
- Daglas Aitsen (1 lab group)
- Kristina Katarina Kaljumäe (1 lab group)
- Joosep Tamm (1 lab group)
- Pärl Pind (only grading)
- Ali Ihsan Güllü (1 lab group / back-up for grading and lecturing)
Lectures (begin in week 24 of the academic year, on 13-Feb-2025):
- Thursday 10:15 - 12:00, online via Moodle BBB link
Labs (practice learning; begin in week 26, on 25/26-Feb-2025):
- Group 1: Tuesday 10.15 - 11.45, Delta r2010 - TA: Faiz Ali Shah / Pärl Pind
- Group 2: Tuesday 10.15 - 11.45, Delta r2034 - TA: Fauzia Khan / Ali Ihsan Güllü
- Group 3: Tuesday 12.15 - 13.45, Delta r2010 - TA: Daglas Aitsen
- Group 4: Tuesday 12.15 - 13.45, Delta r2034 - TA: Ali Ihsan Güllü / Fauzia Khan
- Group 5: Wednesday 12.15 - 13.45, Delta r2010 - TA: Kristina Katarina Kaljumäe
- Group 6: Wednesday 12.15 - 13.45, Delta r2034 - TA: Joosep Tamm
- Quizzes are open after each lecture from Thursday (11:55 am) to Monday (17:30 am). Quizzes are managed in Moodle.
- Exam 1: Thursday, 22-May-2025 at 10:15-11:55, in room r1037 via Moodle - capacity limit: 80
- Exam 2: Thursday, 29-May-2025, 10:15-11:55, in room r1037 via Moodle - capacity limit: 80
- Retake Exam (resit): Thursday, 12-June-2025 at 10:15-11:55, in room ?? via Moodle - Please note that you must register for the retake exam in ÕIS2 at the latest 3 days before the exam date. You must also have previously registered for one of the regular exams (i.e., exam 1 or 2). - Special rules apply for students participating in the EDF exercises scheduled during the 2nd half of May.
Note: The exam duration is 100 min! In order to get started in time, please arrive a few minutes before the exam starts.
Components of course grade:
- Active participation in labs and associated assignments/reports (homework) - work individually or in pairs (60% of course grade)
- Quizzes - individual (10% of course grade)
- Participation in final exam - individual (30% of course grade)
Admission requirements for exam:
- You must have at least 33% of the maximum possible marks of the homework assignments.
- You must be registered for the exam that you wish to take.
How plagiarism and cheating is handled:
Since 60% of the final grade depends on the homework assignments, it is important that you solve the homework problems independently. If we have a suspicion that complete solutions of homework assignments have been passed on to other students and then largely copied, then we inform you and allow you to clarify the issue in writing and in a follow-up face-to-face meeting. If you have passed on your work to course mates or you copied from your course mates' work, you will get a penalty. In addition, you will be reported to the Vice Dean Academic Affairs. This procedure applies also in the case of cheating during the final exam. The official university rules can be found here:
Language: English
Latest News/Announcements: Check the Message Board
First lab sessions take place in week 26. Please make sure to attend the lab sessions for which you signed up in SIS/OIS. You can only change your lab after receiving consent from the lab supervisors of the affected lab groups (i.e., the one you want to leave and the one you want to join).
First lecture takes place on Thursday, 13-Feb-2025, at 10:15 via BBB link in Moodle. First lab sessions take place in week 26 of the academic year.