Lab sessions
Preparing for labs
Here is a video about how to set up Unity and Visual Studio
- Install Visual Studio Community 2019 (C# language and Unity Tools) - you can skip this step for now. When you start installing Unity (step 3) it will ask you if you want to install the correct version of Visual Studio as well.
- Download Unity HUB
- Install the latest stable Unity Personal Edition from the hub.
- Make a test project and add a C# script to the Assets folder. Double click on the script to open it in Visual Studio. If on the left top corner it says "Miscellaneous file" then it means that your Visual Studio is not connected properly. If it says "Assembly-csharp" or something similar, then it is OK. In the former case, go to Edit->Preferences->External Tools in Unity and choose Visual Studio as your External Script Editor. Also, press the Regenerate project file button. If that did not help, then check your Visual Studio installation to make sure that Unity Tools are added.
- Do the preparations in lab instructions. (Usually includes downloading and installing some stuff that would otherwise take a significant amount of time, especially if the internet is slow)
- Make sure that Unity project path does not have any special characters like "รค".
In the future Blender and Audio labs
- Install Blender
- Install the latest version of Audacity
- Being in labs is voluntary, but highly recommended. The tasks will be significantly more time consuming without attending labs.
- All the tasks are individual. We encourage you to discuss the problems with other students but sharing the code is not allowed.
- Task deadlines are before the next lab at 14:15.
- Submitting up to 24 hours after deadline: the score is reduced by 50%.
- Submitting more than 24 hours after deadline: 100% of points deducted.
- The tasks have to be submitted through the Courses page.
- Depending on the lab you have to submit either a compiled build of a game or a picture of your results. In case of a build:
- The build has to include all the necessary files to run it on another PC and those files have to be zipped to a single package (only ZIP package is accepted).
- Failing to submit an executable package will result in 0 points for that homework.
- 06.09: Introduction to Unity (Bird Game) - 2p (Prep: install Visual Studio and Unity)
- 13.09: Space Game 1
- 20.09: Space Game 2 - 4p
- 27.09: Unity Components - 2p
- 04.10: Project Setup
- 11.10: Tower Defence Game 1 - Gameplay
- 18.10: Tower Defence Game 2 - Unity UI
- 25.10: Tower Defence Game 3 - Game Content - 6p
- 01.11: 3D Graphics in Blender - 1p (Prep: install Blender 2.8)
- 08.11: Audio Modification and Integration - 2p (Prep: install Audacity)
- 15.11: Animations - 2p
- 22.11: Level Design - 2p (Mouse recommended)
- 29.11: Editor Scripting - 1p
- 06.12: 3D Lighting & Advanced Effects - 1p
- 13.12: Procedural Generation - 1p
- 20.12: VR Game Design - CGVR Lab Excursion (CGVR Lab, Delta 2007)
You can use the following form to submit any task or homework too. It is just a shortcut - you don't have to do it again if you have already submitted under the task.
1. Homework 1Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
2. Homework 2
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
3. Homework 3
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
4. Design Document
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
5. Lab 1
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
6. Lab 2 & 3
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
7. Lab 4
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
8. Lab 6 & 7 & 8
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
9. Lab 9
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
10. Lab 10
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
11. Lab 11
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
12. Lab 12
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
13. Lab 13
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
14. Lab 14
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
15. Lab 15
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
16. Peer Review
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.