Design Document
Your game design document must have the following components:
- The name of your game
- Names of the team members
- The summary
- What is your aim?
- How do you begin and what do you do?
- How does the game respond to your actions?
- What changes in game over time or as you progress?
- What must you do to keep up with the game progress?
- How does the player fail and succeed?
- Game Design canvas (template is below)
- Add detailed descriptions and illustrations for following canvas cells:
- Market research - (screenshots of similar games)
- Meta-game - (describe your meta-game elements and add an illustration if possible)
- Storyline / Setting / Theme - describe and add illustrative pictures from the internet (don't use other game screenshots)
- Visual Style - describe and illustrate the visual style
- 1st level mockup - drawing of your first level (can be part of your paper prototype)
- List of tasks for your minimal viable product (MVP)
Bonus: State the intention, scope, purpose, and scale for your paper prototype. Create the prototype itself and include a photo of it to the design document (This task will give up to 2 bonus points)
Empty Game Design Canvas:

Game Design Canvas with explanations:

Prepare to present your game idea next week, slides are required but you don't have to submit them in courses:
- 3 minutes for presentations (2-4 slides)
- Present your team
- Describe your game idea
- Describe the planned MVP for 1st milestone
- 1 minute for answering questions
Only one person in your team has to submit (all names have to be in the document). Submit one well-formatted PDF document!
4. Design DocumentSellele ülesandele ei saa enam lahendusi esitada.