Points for the homeworks will be here. You can find your pseudonym at https://courses.cs.ut.ee/user/my_data
Homework 1. Introduction (07.09, 23:59)
Homework 2. Growth of functions, recursion, binary search (14.09, 23:59)
Homework 3. Master theorem, linear sorting (21.09, 23:59)
Homework 4. Skip lists, trees (28.09, 23:59)
Homework 5. Heap/Treap, Union-find, Random Projection (05.10, 23:59)
Homework 6. Succinct trees (12.10, 23:59)
Homework 7. Hashing, Bloom filter (19.10, 23:59)
Homework 8. Graphs (02.11, 23:59)
Homework 9. Search heuristics and TSP optimization (09.11, 23.59)
Homework 10. Dynamic Programming, Dynamic Time Warping, Choosing Essay Topic (16.11, 23.59)
First Essay Deadline, No other homework (23.11, 23.59)
Homework 11. Text algorithms, NFA and projects ideas (30.11 23.59)
Homework 12. Suffix trees / arrays, BWT transform, Projects, Feedback (7.12 23.59)