HW2. Growth of functions, recursion, binary search (14th of Sep, 23.59)
EX1. Function ordering. y Rank the following functions by their order of growth, that is, find an arrangement f1, f2, …, fn of the functions satisfying f1 = Ω(f2), f2 = Ω(f3), etc. If some functions satisfy f1 = Θ(f2), then mark it as well.
The functions are: 2lg*n, n3, lg*n, en, n, n2, lg(n!), 2n, n!, 22^n, ln(n), (n + 1)!, nlg(n), 1, 22^(n+1). (Note: since we couldn't insert triple layer powers in here, we used ^ symbol for that. Also lg* is called iterated logarithm so treat it accordingly)
Try to briefly explain how you made your decisions. You don't have too specific. Also, you might want to look up Stirling formula. Lecture slides are your friend!
EX2. Use Gnuplot or other plotting library (e.g. matplotlib if you use Python, or ggplot2 in R) to visually compare growth rates of functions (at least 8) from the task 1. If possible let all functions have their own colour and type (dotted line, dashed, etc.), also add color legend. Provide meaningful names for both axes. How can you avoid some functions to flatten out on the plot? Can you see the same ordering as in the first task?
EX3. You are given two algorithms with the following recurrent function A and B:
- A(N) = A(N/2) + 1
- B(N) = 2B(N/2) + N
Part 1: Draw a recursion tree for recurrences (feel free to do it in paint, paper (photo), any other fancy tools) and include it in your report. What are the heights of these recursion trees? Do you recognise these recurrences (which algorithm?)? What complexity class (Big O) are these algorithms (try to justify, remember lecture!)?
Part 2: The next task is to estimate the number of operations. Given the formulas, write a program to estimate the number of operations given above complexities (e.g. write a function to calculate T(50), T(100), T(N)). Plot a graph showing the relation between T(N) and N.
Note, you can use T(1) = 1.
As we have all heard multiple times by now, binary search is an amazing algorithm on ordered/sorted data. It works by halving search space at every step, finding a solution in O(log(D)), where D is the size of the search space. In this exercise, we will implement a binary search algorithm for lexicographically sorted words.
First, download the sorted database of words we will be using at words.txt. The origin of words is "words is a standard file on Unix and Unix-like operating systems".
Given the words dictionary, your task is to:
- Read in the words from a file into a suitable data structure (e.g. array of strings);
- Implement a linear search algorithm. Given a word, return the index i of the word, if it exists in the word database. Return something different, e.g. -1 or None, if the word was not found. Do this by scanning through the whole word list starting from the beginning. And return the index i (location) when you see the word;
- Implement a binary search algorithm. Given a word, return the index i (location) of the word, if it exists in the word database. Return something different, e.g. -1/None, if the word was not found;
- Demonstrate that your implementations work! Try searching for existing words and try to search for words that do not exist.
Implementation tips:
Hint 1: Start looking at the string on index N//2, where N is the number of strings. Check whether the word is lexicographically larger or smaller. Depending on whether the word was smaller or larger, either continue your search in the left half or the right half.
Hint 2: Many programming languages have built-in support for lexicographical comparison of strings, e.g. you should be able to do “aaa” < “aab”.
This is a continuation from the previous exercise. Let’s devise an experiment to measure how much faster is our binary search algorithm compared to the linear one. For that you can:
Randomly select a number words from the file (do this several times). Also, select some word that is not in the word database (you can make a word up).
For each word try and measure:
- Time on how long it takes for both algorithms to find (not find) that word;
- The number of comparisons to find (not find) that word (e.g. in binary search, how many time we do target_word < comparison_word).
Repeat the experiment several times and average the results. Can you see some dependence on the word location index “i” in the file and the time/number of comparisons it took to find it?
As always, plot the results and try to explain what you have found! Which algorithm is faster?
EX6. (bonus 2p) Devise an experiment to attempt to detect and measure the effect of the memory caching on the program execution run time. E.g. manipulating values nearby or far from each other. Can you detect when the calculations get slower significantly when you start addressing areas outside of the cache?