Grades and feedback for the homeworks are available here. Note that in compliance with GDPR we use randomly generated pseudonyms, rather than your SIS student IDs. To find out your student pseudonym, please go to the My Data page.
To upload your solution choose the homework task from the drop menu below.
The deadline for the homeworks is on Wednesday of the following week at 6AM (in the early morning). All work submitted after Wed 6AM will be graded with a 50% point reduction. The deadline is strict. Multiple submissions are allowed, so submit what you have at 5:59 AM (and score full points for that) and do the rest later (scoring 50% of points).
1. Practice1Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
2. Practice2
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
3. Practice3
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
4. Practice4
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
5. Practice5
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
6. Practice6
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
7. Practice7
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
8. Project Checkpoint 1
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
9. Project Checkpoint 2
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.
10. Project
Solutions for this task can no longer be submitted.