LTAT.05.019 Product Management Industry Project

During this course the students will conduct a real-life software product management project in collaboration with a partner company.
Industry Partners
MobiLab | Taxify | Telia TV |
On successful completion of this course, students will able to:
- Turn a problem statement into a product vision.
- Develop a product strategy and corresponding metrics to assess success.
- Create and test product prototypes.
- Present the prototype to potential customers.
- Understand how to manage a product project in a real-life setting.
Software product management industry project is a 14-week journey together with real customers and industry partners.
Checkpoints: there will be 8 review sessions where teams will share their progress over 2 weeks, seek advice & feedback from course mentors and/or industry partners in order to move their project forward. Naturally, there will be ups and downs over the course of 14 week project where teams will get lost & stuck, or even have to take few steps back in order to find a path forward. Those coaching sessions will serve as means to assess the current state of the project and provide input, support and encouragement to the teams.
Embrace the journey!
Course mentors
Mirko Känd | Anne Jääger
biweekly on Fridays | 10.15 - 13.45 | room 404
1: Feb 15 - Company problem statements, team formation
2: Mar 01 - Problem & market research
3: Mar 15 - Product ideation and vision
4: Mar 29 - Product strategy and metrics
5: Apr 12 - Sketching
6: Apr 26 - Prototyping
7: May 10 - Testing and improvements
8: May 24 - Presentations
The main forum for communication (in addition to checkpoints) is the team notebook set up in Moodle. It's a wiki based diary to document the journey - keeping track of the research carried out, information collected, photos taken, ideas developed, decisions made etc. It is primarily used for internal note keeping within the team to ensure no information is lost. It is also critical for communicating the process during review meetings, seeking feedback and for convincing decision-makers to approve the project and move it forward.
Commitment Expectations
During each of the 2-week-cycle the team consisting of 3 people is expected to put in around 60 hours of work.
There will be three checkpoints that will be assessed on a team basis:
- Product idea and vision (30 points)
- Product prototype and strategy (30 points)
- Final project presentation (40 points)
The resulting grade (out of 100) will be mapped to a grade between A and F using the standard University scale. A grade higher than F is required to pass the course. Each presentation will be jointly assessed by the course mentors and supporting industry representative(s). The grading will focus on the following aspects:
- Clear presentation of the product idea and vision
- Explanation of and reasoning for approach used
- Milestones reached during the project
- Future plans and lessons learned
There is no option for a retake examination.
Enroll at study information system
using the code LTAT.05.019 Product Management Industry Project
Lecture materials and additional information are available on Moodle.