Lab 14 - Lighting (Deadline 12.12 10.00)
Max Score: 1 point (you only have to submit an image)
Base files: Imprtant addons:
- Unity post processing stack - import from asset store (Window->General->Asset Store)
- Unity character controller - (Assets->Import Package->Character) or if it is not in there import standard assets from asset store.
- Create a new project, add base files.
- Use given assets to create a room with a car in the center.
- Create materials for the room objects.
- Import standard assets and add first-person character controls.
- Make the car rotate.
- Add a reflection probe to the room.
- Add global illumination.
- Add emissive surfaces.
- Make emissive surfaces trigger on when the player gets close to the car and off when he goes away.
- Add light probes.
- Add ambient occlusion, bloom and other post effects of your liking.
- Tweak the look of your scene, change colors and light parameters to get a visually appealing result.
Some advice:
- Use linear color space (under Player settings)
- Enable HDR (under camera)
- Disable auto baking and decrease the lightmap resolution for faster baking
- If Enlighten has trouble with baking, enable generate lightmap UVs under your mesh settings.
Unity lighting tutorials:
Only submit a picture of your lit scene.
14. Lab 14 - LightingSolutions for this task can no longer be submitted.