The course can be taken for credit. Participating students should agree with their supervisor in advance on the exact number of credits, depending on the planned level of participation and the study system the student is registered for. Considering the course activities – full-time attendance for a week including active participation in the lectures, reading of relevant literature, preparation of a short abstract, discussion of another participant’s abstract, and attendance of the symposium – the recommendation is 3 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points, where 1 ECTS point equals about 27 hours of work). The students will be given a certificate of attendance.
This event has been supported by the Graduate School of Linguistics, Philosophy and Semiotics of the University of Tartu; Department of Computer Science; Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics; Faculty of Philosophy; The ETIS project MINT (ETF8958); European Regional Development Fund through the Estonian Center of Excellence in Computer Science, EXCS