Multimodal communication as a research area is growing rapidly. There is indeed an increased interest in embodied and situated communication – how humans interact with each other and intelligent agent using different modalities, as well as how technological artifacts affect communicative activities. Work places as well as school environments, health care and other services increasingly involve complex multimodal communication. The development in innovative computer interfaces, mobile media and robotics makes new multimodal technical solutions to communicative challenges possible while at the same creating new challenges for communication research.
In this context, University of Tartu will organise two events related to multimodal research and linked together by a common topic. The two-day Research Training School "Pointing to Gestures" will concern multimodal communication challenges and in particular focus on communicative gestures. Immediately after the training school there will be The 2nd European and the 5th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication which will continue on the topic of gesturing but also widen the topics with multimodality issues in general. The Course will immediately precede the Symposium, and the two events are linked by a shared excursion day in between the two events.
This event has been supported by the Graduate School of Linguistics, Philosophy and Semiotics of the University of Tartu; Department of Computer Science; Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics; Faculty of Philosophy; The ETIS project MINT (ETF8958); European Regional Development Fund through the Estonian Center of Excellence in Computer Science, EXCS