Previous ESSCaSS schools:
2016: 15th, Nelijärve (Nelijärve, Estonia, Northern Estonia)
- Christian S. Jensen - Keyword-Based Querying of Geo-Textual Data; Data-Intensive Routing in Spatial Networks
- Gerogios Gousios - Quantitative methods in software engineering; Mining GitHub for fun and profit
- Eric Gaussier - Accessing textual information in large collections
- Aristides Gionis - Basic principles of algorithmic graph mining
2015: 14th, Nelijärve (Nelijärve, Estonia, Northern Estonia)
- Fionn Murtagh - Towards the New Science of Big Data Analytics, Based on the Geometry and the Topology of Complex, Hierarchic Systems
- Jilles Vreeken - Simply Exploring Data
- Sethu Vijayakumar - Robots that Learn: Harnessing Advances in Machine Learning for Smart Actuation
- Dekai Wu - AI=Learning to translate
- Hannu Toivonen - Computational Creativity
2014: 13th, Roosta (Roosta, Estonia, Western Estonia)
- Thomas Ertl - Interactive Visual Analysis of Complex Data
- Peter A. Flach - Machine learning for interpretable knowledge and better decisions
- David Lo - Data Analytics for Automated Software Engineering
- Pavel Laskov - Reactive Cybersecurity: Attack, Detect, Evade
- Valtteri Niemi - Security of mobile communication systems
2013: 12th, Voore (Voore, Estonia, Central Estonia)
- Bing Liu - Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
- Fosca Giannotti - Mobility Data Analysis and Mining
- Frits Vaandrager - Inference of State Machines
- Vitaly Shmatikov - Privacy Technologies: What Works, What Doesn't, and What Is To Be Done
- Dino Pedreschi - Social network analysis: a crash mini-course
2012: 11th, Jäneda (Jäneda, Estonia, Central Estonia)
- Torben Bach Pedersen - Managing Complex Multidimensional Data
- Andreas Zeller - Mining Programs and Processes
- Krishna P. Gummadi - Enabling the Social Web
- Robin Burke - Hybrid Recommender Systems
2011: 10th, Otepää (South Estonia)
- Eric Ruppert - Lock-Free Shared Data Structures
- Dietmar Maringer - Heuristical approximation of functions
- Peter Ryan - e-Voting and security
- Farhad Arbab - Coordination, Reo, and software composition
2010: 9th, Pedase (Harju, North coast)
- Yury Lifshits - Community Management / Similarity Search
- Nello Cristianini - Computational pattern analysis
- Per Kristian Lehre - Evolutionary computing
- Kobbi Nissim - Private data analysis
2009: 8th, Jäneda (Jäneda, Estonia, Central Estonia)
- Wil van der Aalst - Process mining
- Stefan Edelkamp - Graph search engineering
- Charles Elkan - Machine learning & computational biology
- Kurt Jensen - Coloured Petri
2008: 7th, Otepää (Marguse, Otepää, South Estonia)
- Ricardo Baeza-Yates -- Web Mining or The Wisdom of the Crowds
- Filippo Menczer -- The Web as a Social Environment
- Arend Rensink -- Graph Transformation for Specification and Verification
- Algirdas Avižienis -- Fundamental Concepts of Dependable and Secure Computing and Architectures of Fault-Tolerant Systems
2007: 6th, Lepanina (Pärnu, West coast)
- Richard Dearden
- Anders Møller
- Peter Wegner
- Johannes Helander
2006: 5th, Pedase (Harju, North coast)
- Bernd Fischer
- Thomas Gärtner
- Juha Kärkkäinen
- Doron Peled
2005: 4th, Pedase (Harju, North coast)
- Dines Bjørner
- Jean-Marie Jacquet
- Jakob Rehof
- Reino Kurki-Suonio
- Ina Schieferdecker
2004: 3rd, Pedase (Harju, North coast)
- Wilfried Brauer
- John Hatcliff
- Anders Ravn
- Margus Veanes
2003: 2nd, Taagepera castle, South Estonia
- Walter Dosch
- Bran Selic
- Vladimir Vlassov
2002: 1st,