- Exam is in written form
- There are two opportunities to take it and a resit time
Dec 18, at 10:15-13:00 Jan 9, at 10:15-13:00. The resit will be closer to the end of January.
Some practical information about the exam:
Please show your identification document (e.g. passport or ID-card) when entering the exam room.
Please arrive 10 minutes earlier, so that we could start the exam at the scheduled time. Please come to the room that you registered for as we have multiple different rooms for the exam.
You can bring to the exam one A4-page that you can fill with notes or anything on one side, while the other side must be empty. This page can be hand-written or printed, and you must submit it together with the solutions and tasks at the end of the exam.
Electronic devices are not allowed during the exam. Take all your belongings – phones, bags, etc. to the front of the room.
Here is information about the topics covered by the exam: the questions will cover the material of lectures, practice sessions and homeworks. We will not ask questions directly about Python or any other particular programming language or software package, but we can ask questions testing your general understanding about how data science works in practice. You will not be asked to write Python code during the exam, but there might be tasks testing your understanding of particular data science algorithms that we have covered during the course.