Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Instructor: Vitaly Skachek, office hours TBA
Teaching assistants: Kristjan Kõiv, Sander Mikelsaar, Hans Kristjan Veri
Lecture: Wednesday 10:15 - 11:45, Delta 1019
Practice :
Friday 10:15 - 11:45, Delta 2010 -- Kristjan
Monday 12:15 - 13:45, Delta 2048 -- Sander
Monday 14:15 - 15:45, Delta 1019 -- Hans Kristjan
Language of instruction: English
Main mode of communications: Moodle
- The retake of the final exam in MTAT.03.286 Design and Analysis of Algorithms will take place on Wednesday, January 22nd, between 10:15-11:55 (during the lecture time) in room 1019 in Delta. Any written and printed materials are allowed in both exams (for example, books, lecture notes, your hand-written notes, etc.) No electronic devices are allowed (no phones, computers, tablets, smart watches, etc.)
Old announcements
- The final exam will take place on December 18th, between 10:15-11:55 (during the lecture time). The total duration of the exam is 1 hour and 40 minutes. The exam will take place in room 1019 in Delta (the regular lecture room). The retake of the midterm exam will take place on December 18th between 12:15-13:55, in room 2034 in Delta.
Any written and printed materials are allowed in both exams (for example, books, lecture notes, your hand-written notes, etc.) No electronic devices are allowed (no phones, computers, tablets, smart watches, etc.) - There will be no classes on Monday, September 2nd. The first lecture takes place on Wednesday, September 4th.
- Some examples of previous year exams are available from the "courses" webpage under the link .
- S. Dasgupta, C. Papadimitriou and U. Vazirani, Algorithms, McGraw Hill, New York 2008.
- V.V. Vazirani, Approximation Algorithms, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2003.
- S. Even, Graph Algorithms, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, New York 2012.
- T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, Boston 2009.
Course description
This course focuses on design and analysis of advanced algorithms in computer science. It is advised to take Algorithms and Data Structures (MTAT.03.133) and Advanced Algorithmics (MTAT.03.238) (or equivalent courses) before you take this course or in parallel. In comparison to "Advanced Algorithmics", this course will emphasize the analysis of the algorithms (proof of correctness, complexity analysis), and will not focus on implementations and programming.
Grading policy
There will be six homework assignments, the midterm and final exam. The final grade will be based on the grade of homework assignments (30%), of the midterm (30%), and of the final exam (40%). The homework assignments will mainly contain questions of design and of analysis of algorithms, and typically will not contain programming tasks.
Important dates
Midterm exam: November 6th, 10:15-11:55, Delta 1019
Final exam 1: December 18th, 10:15-11:55, Delta 1019
Retake 1 of the midterm: December 18th, 12:15-13:55, Delta 2034
Final exam 2: January 15th, 10:15-11:55, Delta 1019
Retake 2 of the midterm: January 15th, 12:15-13:55, Delta 2034
Retake of the final exam: January 22nd, 10:15-11:55, Delta 1019
The following is a preliminary list of topics (some deviations from this list are possible):
Part 1: Deterministic algorithms
- Algorithms for finding a minimum spanning tree in a graph.
- Flow networks. Efficient algorithm for finding a maximum flow in a network.
- Randomized algorithms.
- Fast Fourier transform. Algorithm for fast multiplication of polynomials.
- Linear programming. Feasible solution. Primal and dual problem.
Part 2: Approximation algorithms
- Approximation algorithm for set cover problem.
- Travelling salesman problem.
- Knapsack problem.
- Linear programming in approximation algorithms. Linear programming approach to set cover problem.