Disclaimer: The following schedule might be updated as needed.
V - video, S - lecture slides, R- individual reading, T - test; TC - team activities in class, IH - individual homework assignment
- Course introduction:
- S: intro slides
- What is team-based learning?
- Scenario used during the course
- Week 2 (9.September) Introduction to Requirements Engineering
- Week 3 (16.September) Requirements Elicitation
- Stakeholders, Requirements Elicitation Techniques: S3.1, V3.1, V3.2, V3.3
- R3: Chapter 2 (19-46 pp) from https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28244-0_2
- Test: T3
- TC3.1. What is the problem? : docx, pdf
- TC3.2. What is system context? : docx, pdf, joint solution
- TC3.3. Stakeholders : docx, pdf
- IH3: What should system do? : pdf
- Week 4 (23.September) Requirements Negotiation
- S4.1, V4.1, V4.2, V4.3
- R4: Chapter 7 (143-162 pp) from https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28244-0_7
- Test: T4
- TC4: agreeing on 15 statements/aspects, terminology, stakeholders and system context
- Criteria for good requirements: S5.2, V5.3
- IH4: Refine statements/aspects following criteria of good requirements
- Week 5 (30.September) Requirements Documentation
- Requirements Specification: S5.1, V5.1, V5.2
- Criteria for good requirements: S5.2, V5.3
- R5.1 Requirements specification template (IEEE 830-1998)
- R5.2: Ali, N. & Lai, R.: A Method of Software Requirements Specification and Validation for Global Software Development. Requirements Eng (2017) 22: 191. https://doi-org.ezproxy.utlib.ut.ee/10.1007/s00766-015-0240-4; (read the paper, special attention to appendixes)
- Test: T5
- TC5: Requirements review and Requirements documentation
- IH5: Define domain properties (assumptions and dependencies)
- Week 6 (7.October) Requirements Specification Quality
- Specification quality: S6, V6.1, V6.2
- R6: Krogstie, J. (2002). A Semiotic Approach to Quality in Requirements Specifications. In: Liu, K., Clarke, R.J., Andersen, P.B., Stamper, R.K., Abou-Zeid, ES. (eds) Organizational Semiotics. IFIP — The International Federation for Information Processing, vol 94. Springer, Boston, MA. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-35611-2_14
- Test: T6
- TC6: Evaluate quality of the requirements specification (evaluation questionnaire)
- IH6: Improve your requirements specification
- Week 7 (14.October) Non-Functional Requirements
- Non-functional requirements S7.1, V7.1, V7.2, V7.3
- R7.1: M. Glinz, "On Non-Functional Requirements," 15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2007), Delhi, India, 2007, pp. 21-26, doi: 10.1109/RE.2007.45
- R7.2: Habibullah, K.M., Gay, G. & Horkoff, J. Non-functional requirements for machine learning: understanding current use and challenges among practitioners. Requirements Eng 28, 283–316 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-022-00395-3
- Security requirements S7.2, V7.4, V7.5, V7.6, V7.7, V7.8
- R7.3: Matulevičius, R. (2017). Security Requirements. In: Fundamentals of Secure System Modelling. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61717-6_4
- Test: T7
- TC7: Elicitation and definition of non-functional requirements
- IH7: Link functional and non-functional requirements
- Week 8 (21.October) Requirements Traceability
- Requirements traceability: S8, V8.1, V8.2, V8.3, V8.4
- R8: Chapter 5 (95-116 pp) from https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28244-0_5 (read before the lecture, will not be a part of the test)
- Test: T8
- TC8: Traceability definition
- IH8.1: Traceability graph
- IH8.2: Reflection, Lecturer reflection
- Week 9 (28.October) Requirements Prioritisation
- Requirements prioritisation: S9.1, V9.1, V9.2, V9.3
- R9.1: Karlsson J. & Ryan K.: A cost-value approach for prioritizing requirements, IEEE software. 1997 Sep;14(5):67-74.
- R9.2: Chapter 4 (69-94 pp) from https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28244-0_4
- Practical Case Description (will not be a part of the test)
- Fernández, I., Puente, J., Ponte, B. et al. Integration of AHP and fuzzy inference systems for empowering transformative journeys in organizations: Assessing the implementation of Industry 4.0 in SMEs. Appl Intell 54, 12357–12377 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05816-0
- Test: T9
- TC9: Requirements prioritisation
- IH9: Define traceability between requirements and goals
- Week 10 (4.November) Requirements Change Control
- Requirements change control S10, V10.1, 10.2, V10.3, V10.4
- S. Ramzan and N. Ikram, "Requirement Change Management Process Models: Activities, Artifacts and Roles," 2006 IEEE International Multitopic Conference, 2006, pp. 219-223, doi: 10.1109/INMIC.2006.358167
- W. Lam, M. Loomes and V. Shankararaman, "Managing requirements change using metrics and action planning," Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (Cat. No. PR00090), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 122-128, doi: 10.1109/CSMR.1999.756689.
- Test: T10
- TC10, change request form: DOCX, PDF
- IH10 is a continuation of TC10.3
- Practical illustration of different RE techniques (read before the lecture, will not be a part of the test)
- Wen-Tin Lee, Whan-Yo Deng, Jonathan Lee, Shin-Jie Lee (2010): Change impact analysis with a goal-driven traceability-based approach, DOI: 10.1002/int.20443
- Requirements specifications: AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE, FFF, GGG
- Week 11 (11.November) Goal modelling
- Slides: S11.1, S11.2
- Videos: V11.1, V11.2, V10.3, V11.4, V11.5, V11.6
- R11.1: E. Yu. Towards Modeling and Reasoning Support for Early-phase Requirements Engineering. In Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Int. Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE’97), IEEE Computer Society, 1997. (link)
- R11.2: Bresciani, P., Giorgini, P., Giunchiglia, F., Mylopoulos, J., Perini, A.: TROPOS: an Agent-oriented Software Development Methodology. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 8, 203–236 (2004) (link)
- R11.3: The i* syntax and examples link
- R11.4: A KAOS Tutorial: https://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse870/Materials/GoalModeling/KaosTutorial-2007.pdf
- Test: T11
- TC11: goal modelling
- IH11: Strategic dependency model for the late requirements analysis
- Only a few Case studies where gal modelling is used (read before the lecture, will not be a part of the test):
- Neace, K., Roncace, R. & Fomin, P.: Goal model analysis of autonomy requirements for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Requirements Eng (2018) 23: 509. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-017-0278-6
- Carvallo, J.P. & Franch, X.: An empirical study on the use of i* by non-technical stakeholders: the case of strategic dependency diagrams. Requirements Eng (2019) 24: 27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-018-0300-7
- Eric Souza and Ana Moreira. 2018. Deriving services from KAOS models. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1308–1315. https://doi-org.ezproxy.utlib.ut.ee/10.1145/3167132.3167273
- Week 12 (18.November) Scenario modelling
- Slides S12.1, S12.2
- Videos V12.1, V12.2, V12.3, V12.4, V12.5, V12.6, V12.7, V12.8
- R12.1: C. Rolland, C. Ben Achour, C. Cauvet, J. Ralyté, A. Sutcliffe, N. Maiden, M. Jarke, P. Haumer, K. Pohl, E. Dubois, P. Heymans: A proposal for a scenario classification framework. Requirements Eng (1998) 3: 23. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02802919
- R12.2: Sutcliffe, A.: Scenario-based requirements analysis. Requirements Eng (1998) 3: 48. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02802920
- R12.3: Norbert Seyff, Neil Maiden, Kristine Karlsen, James Lockerbie, Paul Grünbacher, Florian Graf, Cornelius Ncube: Exploring how to use scenarios to discover requirements. Requirements Eng (2009) 14: 91. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-009-0077-9
- R12.4: Sindre, G. & Opdahl, A.L.: Eliciting security requirements with misuse cases. Requirements Eng (2005) 10: 34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-004-0194-4
- Practical Use Case:
- Yue T., Zhang H., Ali S., Liu C. (2016) A Practical Use Case Modeling Approach to Specify Crosscutting Concerns. In: Kapitsaki G., Santana de Almeida E. (eds) Software Reuse: Bridging with Social-Awareness. ICSR 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9679. Springer, Cham (link)
- Test: T12
- TC12: scenario modelling
- IH12: Misuse case diagram
- Week 13 (25.November) Solution-Oriented Requirements
- Slides: S13.1, S13.2, S13.3
- Videos: V13.1, V13.2, V13.3, V13.4, V13.5, V13.6
- Practical cases (read before the lecture, will not be a part of the test):
- R13.1: Insfrán, E., Pastor, O. & Wieringa, R.: Requirements Engineering-Based Conceptual Modelling, Requirements Eng (2002) 7: 61. https://doi-org.ezproxy.utlib.ut.ee/10.1007/s007660200005
- R13.2: Abushark, Y., Miller, T., Thangarajah, J. et al.: Requirements specification via activity diagrams for agent-based systems, Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2017) 31: 423. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10458-016-9327-7
- Test: T13
- TC13: requirements modelling
- IH13:
- Week 14 (2.December) Model Checking and Prototyping
- Week 15 (9.December) Guest lecture by David Halasz (Masaryk University, Brno, the Czech Republic)
- Week 16 (16.December) Summary and Consultation
- Summary: S16