Message board is just available from Monday to Friday
Zoom link https://ut-ee.zoom.us/j/95567118456?pwd=NEM2SHFNN0hSdDVNUzRYelk3VGp4dz09
Meeting ID: 955 6711 8456 Passcode: ds2021
Lectures will take place following the (tentative) schedule below.
- Lecture 1 (07.02) - Course overview and fundamentals
- Lecture 2 (14.02) - RPC and threads
- Concurrency and scheduling (Slides) (Video) (Video - demo:rpc) (Video - demo:threads)
- Lecture 3 (21.02) - System models
- Lecture 4 (28.02) - Time, clocks and ordering of events
- Causality and synchronization (Slides) (Video - part1) (Video - part2)
- Lecture 5 (07.03) - Logical time algorithms
- Lecture 6 (14.03) - Coordination
- Election algorithms (Slides) (Video)
- Mini-project 1 (Description)
- Lecture 7 (21.03) - Replication
- Lecture 8 (28.03) - Consensus
- Lecture 9 (04.04) - Consistency
- Lecture 10 (11.04) - Replica consistency
- Lecture 11 (18.04) - Naming - (Lecturer: Mohan Liyanage)
- Name resolution (Slides) (Video)
- Mini-project 2 (Description)
- Lecture 12 (25.04) - Scalability
- Lecture 13 (02.05) - Monitoring
- Lecture 14 (09.05) - (Distributed) Edge computing and intelligence - (Invited lecturer: Xiang Su, University of Oulu, Finland; and NTNU, Norway)
- Lecture 15 (16.05) - Distributed ledgers - (Invited lecturer: Dimitris Chatzopoulos, University College Dublin, Ireland)
- Lecture 16 (23.05) - Planning
Please register in ÕIS for the final/resit exam!
- Final exam - general information: The exam consists of conceptual and practical questions. Conceptual questions are answered online through Moodle (same format as the quizzes), while practical questions are elaborated in written format (Examples). The final exam will take place on-site (Narva mnt 18 - 1021). Exam is answered individually and open book is allowed.
- Content to be examined (Lectures): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 16 (guests lectures (14,15) are not evaluated)
- Option1 (May 30)
- Option2 (June 6)
- The resit exam will take place on-site (Narva mnt 18 - 1022).
- Resit (June 13) - Exam is fully online (up to 75 questions multiple option) - (10:15 - 12:15)
Starting time: Based on lecture time (sharp 10:15 - as always!)