Materials for each week will be added as a branch of this repo
1. Week 2
2. Week 3
3. Week 4
4. Week 5
5. Week 6
- Homework #1 discussion and grading
6. Week 7
7. Week 8
8. Week 9
- Session 8: Vue.Js-I
- Installing Node.js, NPM and creating a Vue.js project
- Creating a JSON Server
- GitHub repo:
9. Week 10
- Homework #2 discussion and grading
10. Week 11
11. Week 12
12. Week 13
- Homework #3 discussion and grading
- Installing and using PostgreSQL (Postgres)
- Setting up a Node.js App for an MVC project
- Session 12: Node.Js-II
- GitHub forntend repo:
- GitHub backend repo:
13. Week 14
- Setting up a Node.js App to deal with cookies/jwt
- Session 13: Node.Js-III
- GitHub forntend repo:
- GitHub backend repo:
14. Week 15
- Installing Cypress
- Session 14: Testing - Cypress (E2E)
- GitHub repo:
15. Week 16
- Homework #4 discussion and grading