This page helps you understand what do you need to do to pass this course successfully. The following image shows different assignments you will have in this course.

In order to receive a positive grade in this course, you need to pass every single section. This means you are required to get enough grade points from homework, essay, project, and exam. The information for each task is available from the navigation bar on the left.
Homework tasks are given out weekly. Usually, there has been a total of 12 tasks (so not every week will have a homework task). The nominal number of points per homework is 5, in order to complete the Homework section to pass the course, you need to gather at least 30 out of 60 nominal points. By solving bonus tasks it is also possible to gain bonus points from homework tasks.
Points from the homework section are calculated as course_points = number_of_tasks_solved - 20, e.g. 30 solved tasks translates to course_points=30-20=10
Make sure to check out Information to and understand submission rules. Pay special attention to the section on plagiarism.
At some point during the semester, you will get a list of essay topics. Most of them are usually research papers. You will have to read through a paper and write a strictly two-page summary. Additionally, you will have two summaries written by other students to review. Information on Essays.
Projects are done in groups of up to three people. The overview of Projects.
At the end of the semester, you will have a written Exam. Topics will be announced before the exam and usually covers material covered within lectures.
Homework: 10 to 40+ points
Essay: 10 points
Project: 10-20 points
Exam: 20-40 points
Total: 50-120+ points
A: 91+ points
B: 81-90 points
C: 71-80 points
D: 61-70 points
E: 51-60 points