MTAT.03.325 Software Product Management
Coordinator: Fredrik Milani (milani ät ut . ee)
This course combines the business perspectives of software product management, beginning with an initial idea to a business model, assessment of the financial viability of the new software product, and successfully managing a software product. The course covers business model generation using the widely used and respected business model canvas with particular focus on value proposition (product/service), business case analysis, importance of design, communication, risk management, road mapping and release planning:
- Be able to understand, analyze and develop a business model (using the business model canvas) for a software product.
- Be able to set up, understand and conduct a business case analysis using most common metrics.
- Gain a basic understanding of how to successfully manage a software product.
- Gain a good understanding of different disciplines related to software product manager (such as user experience, risk management, internal and external communications, road mapping and release planning).
The course will be delivered to the students through the following channels.
- Lectures – Theory with examples are presented during sessions.
- Practical Sessions – The theory provided during the lectures is applied on case studies.
- Partially Online – The students are referred to optional materials (texts and videos) as supplementary to the lectures and practicals.
- Assignments – There will be a project assignment to be done in groups.
This course has one homeworks worth 10 points in total, one project assignment worth 40 points and a final exam worth 50 points.
Commitment Expectations
The students are expected to dedicate an average of 8-9 hours per week of which 4 hours are in lectures and practical sessions every two weeks. It is expected that the workload increase about a week prior to the deadlines for the assignment.
The main forum for communication (when not in lectures or sessions) is an online forum that is set up. Students can ask questions about topics covered, assignments or anything else related to the course or the contents taught and discussed in the course. The main reason for using online community is to ensure that all students get access to responses and clarifications. We will use the forum in Moodle which will be introduced during the first session.