Reality Shift Team members: Kirill Grjaznov, Aleksandr Titov, Aleksei Beljajev
Player controls character, who can move around, jump, crouch and most importantly – change environment around him. Shifting between dimensions does not change general layout of a level, but some objects change their properties. For example, ice cube in one dimension becomes water in another. Different dimensions can also have different physics: gravity direction. Player proceeds to the next level by solving current puzzle. Story is connected to gameplay and moves with player’s progression.
Milestone 1
Project plan:
Color scheme: Ice dimension colors:

Forest colors:

Swamp colors:

Desert colors:

Normal dimension colors:

Pert chart:


Controls: arrow left/"a" - run left, arrow right/"d" - run right. Space to jump, left shift to change dimension. ESC to exit.
Milestone 2
Controls: arrow left/"a" - run left, arrow right/"d" - run right. Space to jump, left shift to change dimension. ESC to open menu. "e" while facing box, to grab it.
Game current state:

For this milestone we implemented liquids (water, lava), changing dimension to Swamp, Desert and Normal, reworked level creation process to be easier and versatile. Player is partially animated. Current sprites will be replaced and new ones will be added in the future.
Milestone 3
For our final presentation we implemented most of the stuff we planned. Including: moving platforms, liquid system (water, lava, gas), water turning from liquid into vapour, bridges, ropes etc. And of course "shifting" mechanism.
UI is partially animated and actions make sounds.
Game is playable and understandable without the presence of developer and has in-game tutorial.
Working on this project was fun and interesting. We have learned much about game development process and hidden problems. Next time we will surely keep our code more clean and readable.
Example 1. Normal dimension. Water flows and fills up water pool.

Desert. Water evaporates, color palette has changed.

Example 2. Normal dimension. Water flows, character cannot jump far enough and will probably fall.

Ice dimension. Water became ice, character can now land on it and move towards exit.

Our final build<---
. . .
We reviewed team Bare & Abandoned
Game is pretty far from its description. I will list all the problems we found and then suggest what could be improved.
- World generation. Buildings are spawned above the ground and terrain is pretty repetitive - no hills or pits to hide.
- Gameplay. The only thing to do (at least what we found) is chopping trees to build barriers. Shooter game without shooting is pretty interesting concept, but also a boring one. Leaving area damages you, but character dies minute after his health is zero. Zombies don't deal damage.
- UI. Items from item bar can't be chosen by keyboard numbers - you have to move mouse to choose something. Crosshair at the center and cursor are at different positions, which is pretty weird. You also can't choose an item without looking upwards. Some button at main menu don't do anything.
- Not sure if it was intended, but I was able to fly. Felt awesome by the way. Screenshot of my experience:

- Problems listed above (and others) have to be fixed.
- Adding sounds and music will make your game feel much more alive.
- Post-effects like color grading will surely make your game look better.
- It's pretty hard to suggest anything since there is no actual gameplay.