Software Engineering
- Lectures: Fridays 10:15-12:00, Liivi 2-111
- Coordinator and Lecturer: Dietmar Pfahl (dietmar.pfahl at ut dot ee)
- Lab Sessions & Supervisors:
- Mondays 12:15-14:00, Liivi 2-205 (Lab Group 5: Andri Jasinski)
- Mondays 12:15-14:00, Liivi 2-203 (Lab Group 6: Mario Ezequiel Scott)
- Tuesdays 14:15-16:00, Liivi 2-203 (Lab Group 1: Margus Luik)
- Tuesdays 14:15-16:00, Liivi 2-205 (Lab Group 2: Hina Anwar)
- Wednesdays 14:15-16:00, Liivi 2-004 (Lab Group 3: Mario Ezequiel Scott)
- Wednesdays 14:15-16:00, Liivi 2-205 (Lab Group 4: Margus Luik)
- Fridays 08:15-10:00, Liivi 2-403 (Lab Group 7: Oleksandra Tkalich)
- Fridays 08:15-10:00, Liivi 2-207 (Lab Group 8: Hanna Tagen)
- Course Outline: PDF (status: 01-Jul-2018)
- Exam Dates: to be announced
- Exam 1: Tuesday, 08-Jan-2019 at 14:15-16:45, rooms J. Liivi 2-403/404/405 (limit: 100 students)
- Exam 2: Friday, 11-Jan-2019 at 14:15-16:45, room J. Liivi 2-403/404/405 (limit: 100 students)
- Re-take Exam: Monday, 28-Jan-2019 at 14:15-16:45, room J. Liivi 2-611
- 20-Jan-2019: Exam 2 has been graded and marks can be found on the course wiki page (see 'Grading'). As for exam 1, the results are very good! All 87 students who participated in exam 2 passed successfully. We have the following grade distribution for both exams: 47 A - 63 B - 26 C - 6 D - 4 E.
- 14-Jan-2019: Exam 1 has been graded and marks can be found on the course wiki page (see 'Grading'). The results are very good! All 59 students who participated in exam 1 passed successfully. We have the following grade distribution: 12 A - 27 B - 17 C - 1 D - 2 E.
- 11-Jan-2019: Exam 2 - only students who have at least 30 marks from the homework assignments and who have signed up for Exam 2 in the Student Information System (SIS) will be admitted. IDs will be checked. Bring your computer (with batteries charged) and a pen (plus a spare pen) to the exam.
- 08-Jan-2019: Exam 1 - only students who have at least 30 marks from the homework assignments and who have signed up for Exam 1 in the Student Information System (SIS) will be admitted. IDs will be checked. Bring your computer (with batteries charged) and a pen (plus a spare pen) to the exam.
- Week 16 -- No lecture and no labs in this week.
- Week 15 -- Last lecture: Exam preparation (with training quiz).
- Week 14 -- Industry guest lecture by Anton Keks, Codeborne.
- Week 13 -- No lecture in this week.
- Week 2 -- The first week of lab sessions (beginning on Sep 10). Please make sure you know your lab group and go to the correct room. You must attend the first labs as it is there where you form/confirm your project teams and report team names and members to your lab assistants. It is highly recommended that you consult the list of enrolled students of your lab posted below the list of Lab sessions (see above) even before the first lab and try to contact students you know in order to form a project team. Project teams shall have *three* members. All team members must be enrolled in the same lab (group). 4-person teams may only be formed in case the total number of students in a lab group is not a multiple of 3. 2-person teams may also be possible but you need the consent from your lab supervisor.
Note: You are supposed to work with your own laptop. All students enrolled in the institute of computer science have the right to borrow an "IT academy laptop" for free. The online form for requesting an IT Academy laptop is here: - Week 1 -- The first lecture starts on Friday, 07-Sep-2018, at 10:15 in lecture hall Liivi 2-111.
- Week 1 -- There won't be Labs during the first week of the semester. The first labs take place on Monday, 10-Sep-2018.