Weekly homeworks Homework assignments, submission and points will be shared here. Points for the homeworks are here. HOMEWORK FORMAT ABOUT PLAGIARISM SUBMISSION RULES HW1. The beginning HW2. Data cleaning and descriptive statistics (26.02) HW3. Visualisations, Descriptive statistics ... (05.03) HW4. FIM and Association rules (12.03) HW5. FIM and Association rules II (19.03) HW6. Regression methods (02.04) HW7. Machine Learning I (09.04) HW8. Machine Learning II (16.04) HW9. Machine Learning III (23.04) HW10. Clustering I (30.04 -> 01.05) HW11. Pivot Tables and PCA (07.05) HW12. OLAP practical (14.05) Projects deadline and presentations - May 25th. Exam dates: May 31st 12:15-15:00 (L2-405) or June 2nd 10:15-13:00 (L2-111). Poll: http://doodle.com/poll/dzxufx83kzxc3vze