- Final Grade: To get a passing grade, you must score at least 51 points in total AND at least 23 out of 55 points in the final exam.
- Policy for late submissions: Late submissions of homeworks or projects are highly discouraged. A submission that is late by at most 24 hours will be assigned a penalty of -25% of the obtained marks. A submission that is late by at most 48 hours will be assigned a penalty of -50% of the obtained marks. Submissions that are late by more than 48 hours will not be graded.
Homework 1: TDD & Elixir (5 points) To be completed in pairs.
- Homework description
- Released on 23.09, due on 03.10 at 23:59
- Submission Instructions: The code with the solution to the homework must be pushed into a private Bitbucket repository (only one repository per pair/solution). Public repositories will get 0 points. To avoid penalties, remember to commit your code every time a new failing test is written, later when the solution passing the test is provided, and so on (as stated in the homework description). Once the homework is completed, submit (via the webpage of the course) the link to the bitbucket repository, and the code/full-names of the pair members. Please, also note that you must give access to the repository to the lab-assistants: orlenyslp and mayero.
Homework 2: BDD/TDD & Phoenix (5 points) To be completed in pairs.
- Homework description
- Released on 21.10, due on 01.11 at 23:59 (deadline extended, no further extensions)
- Submission Instructions: The code with the solution to the homework must be pushed into a private Bitbucket repository (only one repository per pair/solution). Public repositories will get 0 points. Please, commit your code every time a new failing test is written, later when the solution passing the test is provided, and so on. Once the homework is completed, submit (via the webpage of the course) the link to the bitbucket repository, and the full-names of the pair members. Please, also note that you must give access to the repository to the lab-assistants: orlenyslp and mayero.
Project (35 points) To be completed in teams of 4 members maximum.
- Project scenario: parking-scenario.pdf
- Released on 05.11
The prototype will be assessed in terms of the features that have been implemented. The elements to evaluate are the following:
- Scope of the solution (how much was implemented?)
- Functional correctness (does it work?)
- Functional validation
The assessment will be split within five weekly Sprints, where each team can receive a grade up to 7 points based on the progress and the evidence of agile practices. In each Sprint, the teams must come at least two user stories enclosing the functionalities to implement for the next Sprint, as well as the full implementation of the features corresponding to the previous week following the BDD/TDD cycles. Exceptionally, during the first Sprint, the teams must come with only one user story implemented (including the basic set up of the project), as well as the plan (the user stories) for the next Sprint.
Each team is free to decide what functionalities to implement per Sprint. However, during the last Sprints, we will check the completeness of the project scenario, including both implementation and testing. The completeness will be graded with a value between 0 and 1.0, e.g., Max = (5 sprints * 7 points) * 1.0 = 35 points.
To keep track of the progress of the project and, more specifically, to verify the individual involvement, we will be checking the presence of the team members each week. Thus, being absent in more than 2 (out of 5) weekly meetings will be penalized. Thus, being absent in 3 weekly meetings will be penalized by discounting the 10 points. Similarly, being absent in 4 weekly meetings will be additionally penalized by discounting 25% of the remaining points. Finally, being absent in 5 (all) weekly meetings will imply a penalization of 50% of the remaining points.
Final Exam (55 points)- choice between two exams
- Exam 1: 17.12.2019, 10.15 - 14.00, J. Liivi 2 - 111
- Exam 2: 08.01.2020, 10.15 - 14.00, J. Liivi 2 - 206