- 03.09/06.09 - No lab session (Independent Work)
- Elixir Instalation:
- Code Editor: Visual Studio Code
- Git client:
- Elixir School:
- Try Git:
- Create a Mix Project and Run Elixir Code
- Warning: To run the Interactive Elixir on Windows Power Shell run the command iex.bat instead of iex.
- 10.09/13.09 - Introduction to Elixir and Test-Driven Development(TDD).
- Handout Practice #1
- Complementary Readings: Elixir fundamentals, Elixir standard libraries and control flow
- 17.09/20.09 - Elixir: TDD and Iterative Development.
- Handout Practice #2
- Useful Modules: Enum, List, Map
- 24.09/27.09 - Elixir: TDD with legacy code.
- Handout Practice #3
- Warning: To run the test (with coverage) in the solution of handout #3 (code in Bitbucket) run the comands mix deps.get and later mix test --cover.
- 01.10/04.10 - Elixir-based web applications: Introduction to Phoenix.
- 08.10/11.10 - BDD/TDD with Phoenix.
- 15.10/18.10 - Phoenix: database associations and queries.
- 22.10/25.10 - Geolocation and TDD
- 29.10 - Vue.js (Guest Lecture Continuation)
- 05.11 - Vue.js (continued) -- plus Project kickoff
- 12.11/15.11 - First project release + Planning of next sprint
- 19.11/22.11 - Second project release + Planning of next sprint
- 26.11/29.11 - Third project release + Planning of next sprint
- 03.12/06.12 - Fourth project release + Planning of final sprint
- 10.12/13.12 - Final project release
Practicals Implementation Repository -- Bitbucket
Acknowledgments: Handouts of the practicals provided by Prof. Luciano García-Bañuelos