Homework points
- Please follow requirements to home exercises!
- 15.02 - 22.02: I. Performance measures
- Empirical risk and its variability
- Convergence of empirical risk to true risk
- Bias-variance trade-off in performance estimation
- Applications of crossvalidation algorithms
- Confidence intervals for crossvalidation estimates
- Different flavours of bootstrapping algorithms
- You can get up to 15 points from the homework exercises.
- Nominal score for the homework is 10 points.
- There are no restrictions how you choose exercises.
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- 29.02 - 13.03: II. Basics of probabilistic modelling
- True meaning of confidence intervals
- Quantile-Quantile plot and its confidence envelope
- Probability distributions over real-valued functions
- Confidence envelopes for predictors
- Confidence envelopes for ROC curves
- Bayesian inference and its internal consistency
- Naive-Bayes classification
- Markov chains and detection of abnormal words
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- 15.03 - 22.03: III. Sequence models and belief propagation
- Markov chains with discrete state space
- Hidden Markov models with discrete state space and discrete observations
- Hidden Markov models with discrete state space and continuous observations
- General framework for belief propagation: prior, likelihood and marginal posterior
- Higher-order hidden Markov models and their applications.
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- 25.03 - 16.04: IV. Direct applications of normal distributions
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- 25.03 - 16.04: V. Normal distributions and affine projections
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- 24.04 - 03.05: VI. Model-based clustering
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- 05.05 - 24.05: VII. Expectation-Maximisation algorithm
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- 05.05 - 24.05: VIII. Expectation-Maximisation algorithm and sequential data Not available unless you request it