In order to pass the course, students are required to carry out a group project that demonstrates the knowledge of the course applied on practice. Results of projects are presented in the poster session on 19th of December 2019 at 14:00-17:00 at Ülikooli 17 (Paabel). Recommended poster size is A0(portrait), A1(landscape).
The posters should be submitted by 16th of December, at noon (12:00). Additional information here and on Piazza.
See photos and posters from the last year's poster session: Projects from 2018.
Make sure to insert your team number (e.g. M99) as a comment while submitting
Make sure to insert your team number (e.g. M99) as a comment while submitting
10. IDS2019_PROJECT_POSTERSolutions for this task can no longer be submitted.