Student Startup Camp, 2-8 February 2015, Tartu, Estonia
Organized by University of Tartu and Garage48 Foundation.
The Student Startup Camp (SSC) is an intensive practical entrepreneurship course aimed to arm students with skills and inspiration to launch technology-related ventures. This year's program features several experienced and established entrepreneurs from Estonia and abroad who collaborate to create a hands-on week-long learning experience.
The course combines knowledge-sharing and inspirational talks by entrepreneurs, with team-based project work. Interdisciplinary teams will be formed at the start of the camp and will receive one-on-one mentoring throughout the week with the aim of presenting a prototype and a business vision by the end of the week. Project presentations will be judged by a panel including successful entrepreneurs and investors.
The camp is aimed at students with background in IT, engineering, marketing, business and design, who are interested in developing a venture and who wish to gain insights into what it takes to turn ideas into attractive demonstrators and appealing business cases.
Students from Estonia and abroad are welcome to participate. Students enrolled in Estonian higher-education institutions may obtain 3 ECTS for successful participation in the camp.
To participate in the camp, '''you need to register before 15 December 2014
The Student Startup Camp is supported by Information Technology Foundation for Education in Estonian (HITSA) and IT Academy Programme