Course Schedule
Lectures take place on Fridays from 10:15 to 12:00 in room 1007 at Delta (lecture recordings will be available in Moodle). Practical seminars take place on Fridays from 12:15 to 14:00 in room 1007 at Delta. Changes are possible and are communicated to the students timely via Slack and Moodle.
- 14 February: Introduction
- 21 February: Business Models I
- 28 February: Business Models II
- 7 March: Business Models III
- 14 March: User Research & Ideation
- 21 March: User Experience
- 28 March: Requirements
- 4 April: MVP
- 11 April: User Testing
- 18 April - No class (Good Friday)
- 25 April: Risk Management
- 2 May - No class (Day off by Rector)
- 9 May: Roadmap
- 16 May: Product Metrics
- 23 May: Financial Metrics
30 May (Tentative!) - Exam (option I)
6 June (Tentative!) - Exam (option II)
13 June (Tentative!) - Resit Exam