Programming Languages Research Seminar
- ÕIS data: MTAT.03.271, 3 ECTS.
- Time: Mondays 14:15-16:00.
- Place: Delta-2010.
- Language English.
- Contact: Kalmer Apinis (feat. Ahman, Nester, Vojdani).
- Zulip (log into courses to see link)
This semester, the seminar is centered around the Iris framework (tutorial). The goal is to understand all provided lectures/topics. Tutorial lectures are listed on the Topics page. (We may skip some if they are not essential.)
I recommend working in pairs. Pick two topics such that you are working in pairs for both. In the lecture, one student presents the first half of the topic, and the other presents the second half.
If you decide to not work in pairs, you may choose the same topic twice.
As there are not too many students, we will allow some "spillage" into the next lecture. We try to complete 0.7 to 1 topics per week.
Ph.D. students can also present their own work.
You must explain your (part of the) topic during the seminar. Either two parts of two topics or one whole topic. You must write a brief report on your (parts of the) topic. You must actively participate in the seminars throughout the semester.
Deadline for choosing the topic and presentation slot: 25.02.2025.
Each report will document your engagement with the material. In practice this means that you need to work through pen-and-paper or Rocq/Iris proofs, experiment by modifying example code snippets, invariants etc.
Deadline for submitting the report: a day before your talk.
You can register your chosen chapter presentation slots by sending a timely message to Kalmer via the course Zulip or by e-mail.
If you are presenting your own work, your writing counts as the report and you only need to give the two 40 min talks. The first talk should present the background to your research in a way that everybody understands, and you should use this to brush up on your foundational knowledge; in particular, tutorial papers and introductory sections from "Handbook of ..." may be appropriate material.