Here you can find the description and materials for each course lecture (a few hours after each lecture). The public YouTube series (recorded in 2022) covers the main topics of the lectures in a more condensed format, but is not updated to 2024. This information is also available in the course Moodle.
10.02 - Lecture 1: Introduction
17.02 - Lecture 2: Concepts & Capabilities of Process Mining
24.02 - No lecture (Eesti Vabariigi aastapäev)
There is no lecture this week, happy Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia!
03.03 - Lecture 3: Automated Process Discovery
10.03 - Lecture 4: Conformance Checking and Variant Analysis
17.03 - Lecture 5: Performance Mining and Variant Analysis
24.03 - Lecture 6: Process Simulation & “What-If” Process Mining
31.03 - Lecture 7: Project Management and Data Extraction for Process Mining
07.04 - Lecture 8: Declarative Process Mining
14.04 - Lecture 9: Predictive Process Monitoring
- More info TBA
- Public YouTube series: Part 1
21.04 - Lecture 10: Process Mining Algorithms
28.04 - Lecture 11: Course Recap and Trends in Process Mining
05.05 - Lecture 12: Process Mining in Practice (guest lecture)
- More info TBA
- Optional: You may write a short summary of this lecture for bonus points (see Assessment page)
12.05 - No lecture (project work)
This lecture session is designed for you to work on the course project.
19.05 - No lecture (project work)
This lecture session is designed for you to work on the course project.
26.05 - Project Presentations
During this session, each team will do a presentation (in-person) of their course project.
License: The slides and videos in this Web page are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0)