The following deliverables must be submitted:
- Draft Report + Data Extraction Sheet (filled with data) + Presentation Slides
- For the report use the IEEE 2-column template (Word, LaTex, or Overleaf) for conference papers (A4 format):
- Presentation (during seminar session - 15 min)
- Final Report + Data Extraction Sheet (if it has changed since the draft report)
- For the report use the IEEE 2-column template (Word, LaTex, or Overleaf) for conference papers (A4 format):
- Presentation assessments (of all presentations on days where a student does not present himself/herself)
The following documents are meant to help you do your research. Each step of the SMS process is briefly explained. Read carefully and follow the instructions given. If you have questions, ask during the seminar and consultancy sessions.
- STEP 1: Definition of Research Questions -> Review Scope
- STEP 2: Database Search -> All Papers
- STEP 3: Screening of Papers -> Relevant Papers
- STEP 4: Keywording using Abstracts -> Classification Scheme
- STEP 5: Data Extraction & Mapping -> Systematic Map
- Contents of reports: Guidelines for reporting
To not fail the course, all deliverables must be submitted on time (no extensions are granted). Regarding presentation assessments: Only one presentation day may be missed. Presentation assessments must be submitted via a quiz in Moodle.
Assessment criteria for deliverables and minimum conditions for passing the course successfully will be given in the lecture.