Course info
Welcome to the fascinating world of data engineering! This course is designed to build upon your existing foundation in BASH, GIT, R, Python, and SQL, and will guide you through the crucial principles and practices of data engineering. As you delve into real-world data engineering tasks, such as ETL (extract, transform, load), you'll enhance your skills and expertise, enabling you to tackle complex challenges with confidence. By the end of this journey, you will have honed your abilities and refined your understanding of the data engineering ecosystem, positioning yourself as a valuable contributor to the rapidly evolving data-driven landscape.
Embrace this opportunity to advance your skills and make a lasting impact!
- Lectures:
- Thursday 14.15 - 16.00, Delta - 2048
- Practicals/seminars:
- Thursday 16.15 - 18.00, Delta - 2048
Log in to see panopto link
- Lecturer: Priit Adler
Learning objectives
- Student knows and can describe the tasks and role of a data engineer
- Student can explain terms and concepts related to data engineering; for example, ETL, OLAP
- Student can independently find and extract relevant data from a data file using either the command line or R or Python
- Student can independently construct and perform SQL queries
- Student can describe and implement the ETL process (with supervision).
Project: 50 % Homework: 50 %