Research Seminar in Cryptography and Cyber Security
Seminar coordinator: Toomas Krips
First meeting:Friday,21th of February, 16.15, Delta, room 2047, also possible to attend via Zoom
Language: English
The presentations will happen at the end of the semester, at Fridays, with further details forthcoming
The zoom seminar room is
Meeting ID: 996 8387 0271 Passcode: ati
The physical room is in Delta in room 2047.
General information
The main aim of the course is to introduce a variety of research topics from the fields of Computer Security and Cryptography. Participation in the seminar is especially recommended to Bachelor or Master's students who consider specializing in these areas.
A student will be required to write and present a research report on one of the proposed topics. Each presentation typically takes about 45 minutes (including 10 minutes for questions and discussion). The student should attend the presentations of the other students and participate in the discussion. The actual number of contact hours will depend on the number of presentations (projects), and it will typically be smaller than 32. This work is evaluated by PASS or FAIL grade and gives 3 EAP.
There is an option for extended form of participation in the seminar. This option leads to additional 3 EAP and a grade. Typically the student will provide a novel solution or implementation. This is done by taking the individual course (MTAT.07.020 Special Assignment in Cryptography), and it requires agreement of a supervisor and the seminar organizer.
The research report should be written according to the academic standards, with proper style, formatting, citations, and overall composition of the report. Generally, one could think of it as a mini-paper. The size of the report is not fixed, but 10 pages might be a reasonable aim.