Lectures: Wednesdays at 12.15-13.45. The lectures will take place in class. They will not be recorded but the recordings from the previous semesters are available at: https://panopto.ut.ee/Panopto/Pages/Sessions/List.aspx?folderID=1f429468-74e4-4281-9e38-ae370075e0b3
The materials and all the relevant information about the course will be in the Moodle page of the course.
Practice sessions: Fridays at 12.15-13.45. The practice sessions will take place in class.
Homework: Approximately every second week, a homework task will be announced. The deadline for submitting the homework is ten days after being announced. 30% of total points for homework is required to be allowed to the exam. There will be some extra assignments for homework for which it will be possible to get bonus points. In total, 8 homework tasks will be assigned.
An exercise sheet will be handed out approximately once per two weeks. The exercise sheets will be graded. You will need 30% of the points of the exercise sheets to qualify for the exam. The homeworks will contribute 30% to the final grade. It will be possible to get back some of the points lost from homework for attendance. The deadline for submitting the homework is ten days after being announced. (So, for example, if a homework is announced on 1st of March, the deadline will be 23:59 EET 10th of March) Homework solutions may be submitted up to a week after the deadline but for every day being late, 10% less points will be gotten. (thus, after ten more days, one cannot get points)
The final exam will give 45% of the grade.
There will be two tests in the semester, roughly on the sixth week and the twelfth week. These tests will be short and will be oral, with a small amount of time given for preparation. They will take place during the time of the practice session (for a valid reason, these can also be given at a different time upon agreement with the lecturer) They will contribute 15% to the final grade.
There will be a Moodle test with a few questions for each lesson. These will give 10% of the final grade.
Contact: toomas.krips@ut.ee