Võrgutehnoloogia/Network Technology I (LTAT.06.004, 6 ECTS)
Enhance Your Skillset, Whatever Path You Take
Networking is at the heart of the digital transformation. A wide variety of career paths rely on the network -- so it's important to understand what the network can do, how it operates, and how to protect it.
This first course in the 3-course CCNA series introduces architectures, models, protocols, and networking elements. The network is essential to many business functions today, including business critical data and operations, cybersecurity, and so much more. Developing a working knowledge of IP addressing schemes, foundational network security, you'll be able to perform basic configurations for routers and switches. It’s also an excellent launching point for students pursuing a wide range of career pathways – from cybersecurity to software development to business and more.
You'll Learn These Core Skills:
- Build simple LANs, perform basic configurations for routers and switches, and implement IPv4 and IPv6 addressing schemes.
- Configure routers, switches, and end devices to provide access to local and remote network resources and to enable end-to-end connectivity between remote devices.
- Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills using real equipment and Cisco Packet Tracer.
- Configure and troubleshoot connectivity a small network using security best practices.
- Erkki
Praktikumid/Labs: Narva mnt 18 (Delta) – ruum/room 2003 (nädalad/weeks: 28-34, 36) (esimene labor 13. märtsil)
Group-1 neljapäeval/Thursday 08:15-10.00 (Erkki)
Group-2 neljapäeval/Thursday 12:15-14.00 (Erkki)
Moodulite testid (kodus)/Chapter exams (at home)
- Testide tegemine/Tests location: https://www.netacad.com/
- Teste tehakse iseseisvalt/Tests are made independently
- Testi saab sooritada max 2 korda/You have max 2 attempts for chapter exam
- Moodulitestid avatud/Chapter tests openned:
Algus/Start | Lõpp/End | Moodulid/Chapters |
12.05.2024 | 1-3 Basic Network Connectivity and Communications Exam | |
12.05.2024 | 4-7 Ethernet Concepts Exam | |
01.03.2024 | 12.05.2024 | 8-10 Communicating Between Networks Exam |
06.03.2024 | 12.05.2024 | 11-13 IP Addressing Exam |
13.03.2024 | 12.05.2024 | 14-15 Network Application Communications Exam |
20.03.2024 | 12.05.2024 | 16-17 Building and Securing a Small Network Exam |
- 72% Final exam (theoretical test covering all the chapters)
- 12% Chapter exams (module tests at home)
- 16% Participation in the labs