Exam rules
The exam will be on the 20th of December and the 10th of January - please choose one date and register in SIS. The exams will be in person in the Delta building.
The exam consists of 2 parts: a test and programming exercises. Two hours will be given to complete both parts of the exam. The test must be finished and submitted before proceeding with the programming exercises.
During the test, it is forbidden to use any materials, except for one A4 size paper prepared by you with handwritten "help". It is allowed to fill both sides of the paper with anything you want (in any size you want).
Once you have finished with the test, you have to proceed with the programming exercises. Obviously, the programming exercises have to be solved in Python using Thonny. All materials (videos, examples, your solutions, example solutions, etc.), internet and paper materials are allowed to use while solving the programming exercises. Any communication with others (except the instructor) is prohibited. Any use of AI is prohibited. The programming part has to be done in one device.
Check for some examples of the test and the programming exercises: