Shooting Simulator
Kaius Loos, Kristjan Vedler, Sander Lepik
A shooting demo (ballistics, physics, destructibles, visuals) in Unreal Engine 4.
Repo can be found here:
Plans for technologies
Nvidia APEX + PhysXLab
Nvidia APEX is the physics engine used by Unreal Engine 4 for destructible objects. While UE4 only supports generating fracturing with the Voronoi pattern for destructible objects, using PhysXLab, much more complex fracture patterns and composite objects can be built and imported into UE4 to give a more realistic experience.
Demo of a drywall destruction in Unreal Engine with multiple types of destructible materials put into one composite wall object:
Arma-like ballistics
The project will be using a base project Kristjan has created before (developed in the summer and now updated to the latest engine version), which implements some of the ballistics features Arma 3 is using, so instead more time could be devoted to developing the PhysX and other visual features, modelling necessary assets and creating realistic environments.
Overview of Arma 3 ballistics physics:
Current base project features: