Lectures (weeks 27-35)
- Note: ' The recording and slides will appear during the day of the lecture, latest the next day.'
- For accessing Live Stream, the link will be shared through Teams.
- Week 1 - Introduction: Data Science and Big data in Urban Mobility
- Week 2 - Databases, Data Preparation and Preprocessing
- Extra Material:
- To access the paper, you need to be within the University Network (use VPN)
- Reading: Map-Matching Techniques
- Reading: exploratory data analysis
- Notebook: exploratory data analysis

Source: https://existentialcomics.com/philosopher/Judith_Butler
- Extra Material:
Please, also check the readings section for extra material about python foundation and spatial analysis.
- Extra Material:
- Week 8 - Professional issues and ethics [Reading]
- Reading Material:
- Week 9 - Exam Week
- Two options May 13th at 12h00 or May 15th at 14h00.