Top Down Hack and Slash
Kevin Kits, Viljam Ilves, Sander Roosalu
GitHub Repo:
Game Controls: WASD to move, TAB to lock target, E to interact, LMB to fire gun, RMB to swing sword.
This project features a Top Down Hack and Slash game in Unity inspired by the game Spiral Knights. There will be:
- 1 gameplay level with some self-made models
- self-made code
- self-made shaders and other visual effects
Initial Idea
The level contains an outside forest-like area, where the player will be starting, and an inside cave area, where the player will finish the game. The models will be mostly in low-poly style.
The game build can be downloaded from github.
The programming side of things (gameplay, shaders etc) will mostly be done by Kevin and the other things (models, design etc) will be done by Viljam and Sander
Initial level layout

Initial models and overall style

Final Description and info
In the end we decided to keep the game itself simple and focus on the computer graphics aspect more. In total we made 3 characters, some environmental models and some visual effects for projectiles + deaths. Throughout the level you will see some enemies, open doors with levers to access further areas and enjoy the overall environment of the game.
Most of the models were made by Viljam, mainly the characters and some of the non-nature environmental assets. The enemy characters were modelled using reference images from the game Spiral Knights and the Player character was made using a regular human reference and modified a bit. The modelling of the characters all started from the body and trying to match the overall shape to the reference. Then some smaller details were added and the colors were painted on the faces of the model. Only the animations for the spider-like enemy were full self-made, the player character is a mix of self-made and animations from mixamo. The environment assets were all made without using references. Sadly one of the enemies was left unused, as there we ran a bit short on time, so we added him to the level in some places.
Game logic and visual effects were done by Kevin. Death, destruction and hit effects were made using the Unity particle system, onhit lightning strike, weapon, fire and sword slash effects were made using VFX graph and shadergraph. Blender was used to create meshes for the lightning strike and sword slash, Krita for textures and Aseprite for UI sprites. The game logic was left quite simple since it wasn't the main focus of the project. The hardest part about creating visual effects was learning shadergraph since there was no previous experience using the tool. Other than that there weren't any more problems except for some simple bugs in the code and understanding how some shadergraph or VFX graph features work.
Sander handled the level creation and design. The level terrain was created using 3D Rule Tile system. The package allowed the usage of 3D tilemaps in Unity by layering 2D tilemaps on top of each other. The final version of the level used 5 layers. The package also included a small framework for special terrain tiles, which could be melded together for the creation of combined meshes to save performance.
Most of the environmental assets such as trees, foliage and rocks were gathered from Kenney's Nature Kit and Mini Dungeon. The choice of using these assets came from a wish to have a more varied environment and by not having enough time to create all of the assets from zero. These assets could be added to the level using the same 3D Rule Tile system.
The finished level tried to resemble the initial sketch closely. The size of the final level is approximately 250x100 tiles. The major differences are: 1. a set of stairs was used instead of a ramp; 2. the last area being seperated by a river and a stone wall; 3. inclusion of two secret areas, 1st to the left of the starting area before the stairs and 2nd right of the river, lead to by a stone path.
Gameplay video:
Player Weapons and Player

Spider-like enemy

Unused enemy

The final level layout

Player spawn

Player sword slash 1

Player sword slash 2

Bullet onhit lightning strike

Enemy projectile

Enemy death explosion

Sword effect