Lecture notes: Attach:lecturenotes.pdf
Lecture recordings can be found at: https://panopto.ut.ee/Panopto/Pages/Sessions/List.aspx?folderID=1f429468-74e4-4281-9e38-ae370075e0b3
Information about lectures
Lecture 1 (Historical cyphers) board photos
Lecture 2 (Perfect secrecy and One-Time-Pad) board photos
Lecture 3 (Stream ciphers and Pseudo-Random Generators) slides
Lecture 4 (Block ciphers) board photos
Lecture 5 (Modes of operation) board photos
Lecture 6 (Public Key Encryption. RSA.) board photos
Lecture 7 (ElGamal Encryption) board photos
Lecture 9(Merkle-Damgard hashes. Birthday attack. Preimage and second preimage resistance. Merkle trees. Blockchains and Bitcoin.) Lecture 10(Message authentication codes. Signatures)
Lecture 11(Full domain hash. Random oracle model.)
Lecture 12(Secure computation. Secret sharing. (Fully) homomorphic encryption. Garbled circuits. )
Lecture 13(Zero knowledge proofs. ZK proof of Graph isomorphism. )