Lab 13 - Extending the editor
Create an editor window or add property attributes to organize components in your projects. This task can be submitted as teamwork!
Score: 1 point
- Each decorated component using property attributes adds 0.2p (at least 5 fields with annotations)
- Each custom inspector 0.6p
- Each new editor window 1p
Your work should add up to at least 1 point. The system is quite generous, so don't feel limited by the score values. It is not possible to receive more than 1 point though.
Create screenshots of your editor modifications. Since you are modifying your projects, then this task can be submitted as a team. Add a text file or comment with all the names!
Using Property Attributes
Property attributes take very little effort to use and offer a lot of benefits. Download the example code and add it into a Unity project.

Defining a completely custom inspector view
Unity also supports completely changing the look of a MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject inspector window. For this you have to:
- Extend a new class from the Editor class for your custom inspector. eg public class MyComponentEditor : Editor
- Mark the class with CustomEditor attribute. [CustomEditor(typeof(MyComponent))]
- Define a OnInspectorGUI method using property drawers and IMGUI.
Video tutorials:
Adding new editor windows
You can create your own dockable windows inside the editor. This is useful for creating tools and plugins for your projects.
To create a window you must extend the EditorWindow class and define OnGUI method.
Scripting reference:
If more than one person collaborated on this task, then only one person should submit. Add a text file or comment with all the names!
Make pictures (screenshots with the Snipping tool) of all your custom editor views (inspectors, windows), add a text file with the names and pack it to a zip file. Submit the zip.
13. Lab 13