Evolution of Video Games LTAT.02.019 / LTAT.TK.017

Where? When? Who?

- Place: Fully online in the University of Tartu's Moodle environment.
- Time: 08.02.21 - 25.04.21 (10 + 1 study weeks).
- Contact: Mark Muhhin (mark.muhhin@ut.ee)
- Languages: English, Estonian
- Fee: 90€ (w/o VAT), high school student: 30€ (w/o VAT), uni student: free
University of Tartu students should register to LTAT.02.019, high school students and other learners should first enroll to LTAT.TK.017. In Moodle the course code is the same LTAT.02.019 for everyone. Registered participants will be added automatically to the Moodle course by 08.02.

What is this?

The Evolution of Video Games course is an introductory 3 ECTS credits e-course into the video game field and industry. In the course you travel the evolution story of a video game together with fellow students and guided by a motivated instructor. You learn what has made some game designs and mechanics stand the test of time, the principles developed during 5 decades of video game development, the ways people use to make money with their games and even what the future brings in terms of graphical and interaction improvements like in virtual reality.

But will it be fun?

Certainly! Every week there is video material straight from the LVLup! museum in Tallinn and the Delta Center in Tartu that accompany brief written materials. Based on the covered topic there are creative exercises like playing and analyzing games, creating your own video, expressing your ideas in an essay and even participating in an organized debate.
For 3 very special topics you can explore a virtual world of the LVLup! museum and a play game designed in that world. There you will meet all of us who are on this page again and help us solve some issues we all have in the virtual museum.

How to pass?

Your progress in this course will be scored. Every week there are unique topics (see Topics) and different exercises. Most of the exercises are creative in nature. There are also a few multiple-choice tests and the virtual tour game, which contribute to your score.
To pass the course you need 90 points (75%) out of 120 total points by the end of the 10th week.