Download empty H2020 DPM template, for each question in the template, assess yourself on 5 point scale:
- Do you understand what is expected of you, i.e. with your current knowledge, would you able to answer this question, if ‘yes’ supplement with an example
- Are you able to help or assist your peer in filling in the given question (give guidance)
- Would you be able to assess a completed answer, criticise and give feedback to its owner
So, redo HW1, with improved confidence and knowledge!
Compile a detailed DMP
- OP1: Continue with the project from HW7
- Improve the plan to reduce bad practices. Write the plan, that would have saved time and effort for the researchers.
- OP2: Write one for one of your own projects
- Ideally for running project and something you can use from now on
Deadline 31st of May
Read project proposals found here. Choose one for the task!
Your task is to compile an initial data management plan based on the proposal using the https://dmponline.dcc.ac.uk/ tool.
Homework in Estonian Read through https://sisu.ut.ee/minuandmed
- Answer all “Mõtisklusülesanne” in writing!
- Indicate chapter and question
Self-test is fun, and you should do that, but not compulsory for the homework.
Prepare a presentation for a given topic. Presentation in the next lecture.
Topics: Redcap database, Amnesia tool
Search for domain-specific databases in expression, sequence, genotype, protein, 3D and clinical data.
- At least 5 different domain-specific databases
- What are its standards (metadata, file formats, keep in mind FAIR)
- How is the upload organised (checklist, dedicated upload tool, personal contact, etc.)
- How is the database funded/supported (how well is the data maintained, preserved)
- Analyse how to make ‘a dataset with analysis’ interoperable (max one page)
- Find out what is ELIXIR RIRs and explore the tools
- Choose two tools and write half a page summary of why you think they are on the list, bring out pointers related to interoperability (FAIR definition)
Bonus task:
Explore http://geneontology.org/sparql
From documentation or example queries, choose one query to ”understand” and annotate (i.e. short annotation of each line in input and explanation of output demonstrating you have understood their meaning)
Using resources web resources like
Find and identify metadata standard used in Your domain (suitable for the data you most often work with).
Find and identify a common vocabulary or ontology used in Your domain. If you are not sure what domain to choose, consult with the lecturer.
Provide links and a short (max half a page) description for both.
Download empty H2020 DPM template, for each question in the template, assess yourself on 5 point scale:
- Do you understand what is expected of you, i.e. with your current knowledge, would you able to answer this question, if ‘yes’ supplement with an example
- Are you able to help or assist your peer in filling in the given question (give guidance)
- Would you be able to assess a completed answer, criticise and give feedback to its owner